Sambal Ayam / Daging @ Chicken / Meat Sambal Premix Spices


How to Cook Video:

  1. Ayam seekor (1.2kg) dipotong kecil dan digaulkan bersama 1 SB serbuk kunyit serta garam.
  2. Goreng ayam separuh masak.
  3. Campurkan 400ml air dengan Pracampuran Rempah Sambal Ayam/Daging AsliPure.
  4. Tumiskan bancuhan sehingga pecah minyak.
  5. Masukkan ayam yang telah digoreng.
  6. Tambah sedikit air dan reneh sehingga kuat pekat.
  7. Sambal Ayam AsliPure siap untuk dihidang.
  1. One whole chicken (1.2kg) cut into pieces. Marinate the chicken pieces with 1TBSP turmeric powder and salt.
  2. Fry the marinated chicken to semi-fried.
  3. Combine 400ml water with AsliPure’s Chicken/Meat “Sambal” Premix Spices.
  4. Cook mixture until heated through.
  5. Add semi-fried chicken.
  6. Add some water and simmer until gravy thickens.
  7. AsliPure’s Chicken Sambal is ready to serve.
SKU: N/A Category:
Weight N/A


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